Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Incident Report

Incident Report

Before dark on Tuesday, June 14th the resident at 14 Windsor saw a blue metallic car stop on Wingspread Drive at the intersection of Walton and open the door and then apparently dump something onto the medial strip and then drive away.

A short time later another car stopped in the same spot and the driver got out and called to her asking her to call 911. He said there was a fire. Instead, the resident filled an empty trash can with water and dragged it down in and effort to put out the fire. This helped but did not completely quench the fire and so 911 was called.

The resident continued to bring water to the scene and managed to contain and then extinguish the burning mulch. The police arrived and the incident was reported to them. No real damage seems to have occurred and it was the quick thinking and action of the resident that spared us any problem.

Our guess is that the driver of the first car had set his ashtray ablaze and simply dumped it into the mulch not recognizing how dry conditions are. No police action is expected.


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