Monday, June 21, 2010

waste of paper

i just recieved a letter for horst today stating they did the annual walk around. they say i can't park in the lawn, i have been waiting over a year for permisson to move my downspout to the other side of the driveway so i can pave a new spot. they also said i leave toys in yard and i am using the deck for storage. we clean up toys every night before we go in for the night. my deck has a pation set , gas grill and my sons outdoor toys. i don't remember reading about any of these items in the bylaws. other people have stuff other than a patio set and grill. so what is the problem or am i being singled out. dii anyone else get one of these letters.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Annual Meeting / President Recall Vote

The Annual meeting of the Wingspread Homeowners Association for the year 2010 was a total waste of time. For those of you who were unable to attend you didn’t miss anything. Homeowners were told to submit questions in writing to be addressed at the meeting. We were told that those questions would be answered privately to those who submitted them when they more or less got around to it.
Our President Jeri Diesinger was arrogant with her answers when asked a question. I brought up the subject again of a total rewrite of the Association By Laws and got a bunch of double talk and was told to bring it up again next year. Snow removal problems was a big topic but again bunch of double talk from Jeri. Same with parking.Other board member Lou Getty offered absolutely nothing. Board member Bob Fies was only one who tried to give any real answers to anything. Apparently our non member attorney is working on a rewrite of one section of the By-Laws concerning repairs which they will try to ram thru again. The “Board” is walking around making a list of changes to property made by homeowners who did not have permits for the changes. Terri has been on the board for 3 or 4 years (she herself doesn’t know) and they have never enforced the rules. How are they going to go back and fine people now for things they have allowed without enforcement?? When is the last time a bulletin board has been updated? How long has it been since we have had a member from each court as a representative with monthly meetings of the board?? When was the last meaningfull newsletter? We no longer have a landscape committee, no property committee. And one member reminded our president that Horst is to be a service agency for the benefit of the Homeowners. They are supposed to work for us. Seems our president just lets them do as they please and they don’t do much unless it is to fine someone.
No one wants to serve with Jeri because it is her way or no way.
Our association is in total disarray with no leadership. Does anyone know how we can force a recall or a vote to get rid of Diesinger before her term expires? We need leadership, not an ego trip. How do we get a list of of homeowners to do our own mailing??

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A message was received from Sharon Spohn and indicates that she will make a run if nominated. Unfortunately, I will most likely not be here for the meeting as several family members are leaving for Potter County that evening. It would be great if we can gather support for Sharon as it is evident we need change. Sharon is the mother of three daughters, is a writer for the Pottstown Mercury and did get a real estate license and worked in real estate for some time. She and Mike are rather long-time residents of Wingspread and remember well the kind of community we once were. If you feel, as many do, that we need change please get the word out and ask for support to redirect the affairs of Wingspread on Thursday night.
"If nominated, I would accept. Not sure how much of a shot we'd have. The whites have always had the upper hand when it comes to majority. But we can give it a try.
Either way, something has to change.
And also...who arbitrarily decided to put the board back to a 3-member board? This community is way to large for a 3-member board. We fought for that once and got it. I think we can do it again. The days of this just being a monopoly are going to have to go. I think the residents should choose how many board members there are and who wouldn't want a larger board to provide more communication and work on getting back to the organization that this community association once was?"

Saturday, April 24, 2010


There is hope that we can get CHANGE in the operation of our community. So many of us are dissatisfied and want new faces and actions on the part of the board. A new name may be a possibility. For now we suggest a hold on your vote.

Monday, April 12, 2010

useless board and even more useless horst

we have to get permission to do anything exterior but never get any answers to our requests. we are suppose to get answers in 3 to 4 weeks. i have ask the same questions for over a year and now answers. what does our money pay for besides bad snow removale any poorly cut grass. i had a 10 year cutting and weed wacking for me at my last home. i paid him $5 an hour and he did 10 times better. mine was the first lawn he cut. our roof is showing signs of failure. when i inquired about it i was tols late 2012 the roof would be replaced, but our set of houses was one of the first to be built and the last of the homes to be built have gotten new roofs.

Friday, April 09, 2010


We have an out of control Management company that is selective in what complaints they pursue or even whom they pursue.
The incident with the late fees I am familiar with and what Horst has done and the association Board has allowed is absolutely ridiculous.
And we have an asscociation Board that appears to have no control over the association by-laws and deed restrictions or the management company.
Years ago and every association Board since stated the entire by-laws neeed to be re-written and clarified. Nothing is done.
A resident with 2 cars and an empty garage has parked the one car in the overflow area and hasn't moved it since Novemeber. Both the Board and Horst say nothing can be done.
And if they tell you something major they are going to do or that you can do you better get it in writing because the entire board will lie to your face. Personal experience with my roof.
But the Board doesn't want to raise monthly fees because it will hurt property sale market. But the do nothing Board by not enforcing our by-laws and maintainence of common areas and homeowners property is hurting market value a lot more.
The entire Board should resign at the annual meeting and the management company should be replaced.

Thursday, April 08, 2010


Isn't it time we collectively express our displeasure at the way affairs here in this community are being managed? There seems to be no enforcement of the rules we all agreed to when we bought property here and this failure is producing a marked decline in the value of our homes. The Board's failure to oversee the management of Wingspread can be seen in so many ways and they appear to operate as though they had no responsibility to the community.

We have never seen the degree of flaunting the rules as we witness daily. Trash cans are left in the front of properties all the time and, at the moment, there seems to be no attention to the lawns and common property. The whole sense of community has disappeared and the apparent onconcern of the Board is reflected by individuals doing as they bloody well pleased.

Recent we asked permission to allow residents to use the area that once was the playground for the purpose of a community garden. Though last year the request was ignored, this year it was denied. It was explained that this would establish a precident for use of common property but would not it be a healthy way to use our collective property and energy for a real purpose? At the same time individuals are using this same common property for their purposes as they desire without any form of permission or authorization. There seems to be a double standard as we see you can get away with anything as long as you do not ask permission.